Gerald Harris attorney at law

Guanyin Mountain

The face is Tianxiadiyi Guanyin - Shenxianju Guanyin of the South China Sea, in the Taoist goddess of mercy, also known as priest named Cihang, hands clasped, kindly manner, like in Purdue sentient beings of the world, named Cihang Purdue. The front and see the sword Excalibur is one of the two sides, the feelings reflected in one good and evil in a Buddism godness Guanyin. In front of the Western Xia Guan and a foreshadowing, God apes who is dedicated to offering a peach, a Buddism godness Guanyin bodhisattva. The mission of a miraculous coincidence: Guanyin peak 919 meters high above sea level and Guanyin monk on lunar calendar September 19, two numbers and God the Guanyin jiukujiunan - save the world to save the people. This is fate, is actually a match made in heaven.